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Erick Stow is a Canadian-born artist (Saskatoon. SK). He grew up in Lubbock, Texas where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in mass visual communications from Texas Tech University.

Stow has toured the world with his art and has had residencies in Montreal, Calgary, Austin, and Los Angeles. His works are displayed in galleries, with private collectors, and sold in studios internationally.

Stow is the creator of a form of post-expressionism called “motionism”.  He is an award-winning film-maker, writer, actor, and director appearing in major motion pictures, on-stage, indie projects, and music videos.

Stow's visual and editorial work has been published in magazines and newspapers internationally. His humanitarian efforts include projects for Habitat For Humanity and private fundraisers. He held leadership roles in Lubbock City Council, and appeared on MTV “Fight For Your Rights” as an advocate for education reform awareness efforts.



Fine Arts & Design

(2022) ArtBatLive ArtBattle 2nd Place Overall (online)

(2022) "World Peace Machine" Riverton, MB (Permanent Studio)
(2021) Tokyo Smoke (Canada-wide '420 Contest' winner)

(2019) Southwest US Promotional Tour
(2018) Northeast US & Canada Promotional Tour
(2017-2018, 2012-2013) Michele Matter Corporation (Resident) (Gimli, MB)
(2017) Des Beaux Arts (Live muralist) (Montreal)
(2017) Nomad Tribe (Live artist) (Montreal)
(2016) Hyperslow (Installation artist) (Los Angeles)
(2012) Peter Lee Studios (Resident) (Montreal, Toronto, Hana)
(2011) ShoeLab (Solo Art Exhibition) (Lubbock, TX)
(2013) Warehouse Artworks (Solo Art Exhibition) (Winnipeg)
(2013) Interior Illusions (Winnipeg)
(2009) Texas Tech University (Muralist)



(est. 2022-2023) Captain Blue (24-page full-color comic)

(2020) MagNFT (exposé)

(2020) DigitalAx (exposé)

(2019) Pinkish Hue Promotional Comic (writer/illustrator) 
(2018-2020) Happyman 3-part Comic Novella (creator)
(2012-2013) Canada Fashion Magazine (Studio photographer)
(2012-2013) Bride and Groom Canada Magazine (Studio photographer)
(2008) ArtRag Magazine (Editor-in-Chief)
(2006-2007) The Daily Toreador (Cartoonist, nationally syndicated opinions columnist)

(2008) The Daily Toreador (exposé)

Film & Television

(2017) JT Leroy (featured extra)
(2017) Burden of Truth (extra)
(2015) Bravetown (Bartender)
(2014) Teen Lust (Featured extra)
(2014) Heaven Is For Real (Featured extra)
(2014) Cashing In (Extra)
(2014) Wind City (Extra)
(2013) Auditioning for Film & TV (workshop)
(2013) Mr. Hockey (Extra)
(2011) The Blue Violin (Set photographer, extra, paramedic)
(2009) Winner of Matador Ethics Video Contest (1st Place - writer, director, actor)
(2009) The Diary of Frank Lee Anne (Lead male - Kitty, the Diary)
(2009) Hell In Keller (Audience member/featured extra)
(2003) MTV Fight for Your Rights (activist)
(1999) The Ides of March (Lead male - Brutus)​


(2008) 88.1 KTXT DJ (Lubbock)

(2021) TokenSmart Pass the Pen (online) 

(2022) TokenSmart Pomp & Circumstance (online)

(2022) Ciipher.Media (contributor, freestyle rap) 

(2020) BIGO Live Host (online)

Public Appointments

(2003) Lubbock Health Board 
(2002-2003) Lubbock City Youth Commission (Secretary)




(1991) Sears Catalogue (Saskatoon, SK)

(2004-2005) Abercrombie & Fitch (In-store, Lubbock, TX)

(2011) ENVERS par Yves Jean Lacasse (runway, Montreal)

(2009) Justin Nixon (Lubbock, TX)

(2013) Virulent Valmont (Winnipeg) 

(2015) Swish Model Management (Wiinnipeg)
(2012) Svetla Anatasnova (Montreal)
(2012) Nisansala Wijiwarden (Winnipeg)

(2012-2015) Panache Model Management

Advertising Brand Associations
(2011) Disney (Montreal)

(2011) NBA (Montreal)

(2013) Jack Daniels (Winnipeg)

(2012-2018) Immersion Creative (Vancouver)

(2020) Ojinika Glass (Edmonton)

(2020) Elle Seven (Winnipeg)

(2020) Joe Mclinton Photography (Edmonton)

(2022) (DAO)

Fashion Brand Associations

Abercrombie & Fitch (In-store model)
Enver par Yves Jean Lacasse  (Runway model/designer)
LGFG Fashion House  (Designer/Executive tailor)
Lennard Taylor (Runway model)
dEdiger (Runway model)

Magic Card Wise Expulsion.PNG

© 2021 Erick Stow. All rights reserved.

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